This episode of the grave talks is presented in one full piece, and not broken into two parts. Due to the magnitude and nature of this topic, We felt this story should be presented in its entirety to anyone who chooses to listen. Some of the subject matter discussed on today’s episode may be upsetting, so personal discretion is advised.
In the fall of 2001, while the world struggled to recover from the disaster of September 11th, 2001, writer Patty Wilson was contacted by a security guard who had a chilling encounter to share but did not know who to share it with. The world at that time was struggling to go on a day-to-day, and there was little room for “ghost stories” to be told in such dangerous times. However, Robert Wagstaff wasn’t out to tell a story for attention; he simply wanted someone to listen and possibly make sense of the encounters and experiences he was having at the tragic crash site of United 93 in Shanksville, PA. Late one night, Patty Wilson sat down with Mr. Wagstaff in a little pizza parlor to hear his story. In today’s episode of the grave talks, we listen to what has discussed that night and the experiences Mr. Wagstaff went though keeping watch over the crash site of United 93.
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