Spirit Guides

What is a spirit guide? Does everyone have a spirt guide, or is it only select few who are privileged enough to have guidance from the other side. These are some of the questions one may ask when inquiring about a concept that is as common as breathing air to others. Today we discuss the world of spirit guides with Jen Jons. Their role with the living, and how one can better understand and communicate with them.

PART 2 – AVAILABLE TO GRAVE KEEPERS ONLY – LISTEN HERE In part two of our interview, available only to Grave Keepers, we discuss:
  • How does one connect with their spirit guides? 
  • Why don’t ghosts always tell us the truth when giving the living a message? 
  • How does one stay safe from negative energy or entities coming in to communicate with the living? 
  • How are we as the living connected with cryptids?
  • As a Grave Keeper, for $5 per month you will get:
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Listen to part two of this interview and get exclusive access to HUNDREDS of bonus episodes at http://www.patreon.com/thegravetalks

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