Real Ghost Hunting And How It Works.

There is such a thing as real ghost hunting. Sure, anyone could go out with an audio recorder and attempt to capture EVP’s. There are, however, other methods and practices at play in the world of ghost hunting and paranormal investigation. Today we talk about some of these real ghost hunting techniques with Brian Parsons.

A Ghost Hunter At Work

Brian D. Parsons is the Director of Ghost Help, the Executive Director of ParaNexus and has worked with a number of groups and organizations since 1996. Brian has authored six books in the field of the paranormal. Handbook for the Amateur Paranormal Investigator, Ghost Hunter: How to Become a Successful Paranormal Group as well as a companion book, Betty’s Ghost: A Guide to Paranormal Investigation. Including the follow-up exploring more concepts in paranormal group operation Handbook for the Amateur Paranormal Investigator II. His fourth book, titled The “E4” Method: Breaking the Mold of Paranormal Investigation looks at his unique methodology of client-centered investigation. It talks about how this method utilizes a skeptical foundation, psychology, advanced interviewing skills, parapsychology, spiritualism, as well as the “Ghost Excavation” methodology in the world of ghost hunting.

Not All Ghost Hunters Are Alike

Real ghost hunting can be a confusing business. Techniques, belief systems, and experience all play a role in how an investigation is conducted. Not all ghost hunts yield results. In fact, quite often very little evidence is found or brought back for review. Does this have to do with the techniques and tools used by the ghost hunter? Or, does it have to do with the level at which a location is haunted? These are all questions we explore on this episode of THe Grave Talks as we talk with Brian Parsons about his experiences.


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