Pet Communication

Growing up, Carrie Kenady knew she had an ability. Exactly what that ability was, how she got it, or what to do with it was the bigger question. Carrie seemed to have an ability to sense things. Sense things to a very accurate degree, far beyond just intuition or a wild guess. As she got older, she understood that she was Psychic and had an ability to read and hear messages from the other side. Messages not only from people, but pets and animals as well. Today we discuss her abilities, and experiences with the other side.


PART 2 – AVAILABLE TO GRAVE KEEPERS ONLY – LISTEN HERE In part two of our interview, available only to Grave Keepers, we discuss:
    • More messages from my dog, Sting. 
    • What if you had a pet you didn’t like or didn’t like you, are they still around us? 
    • Is it only deceased pets that can come through? 
    • Has a message from a pet, ever helped to solve a crime?
  • As a Grave Keeper, for $5 per month you will get:
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  • The “good feeling” knowing that you are keeping this show alive (It really does feel good!)
Listen to part two of this interview and get exclusive access to HUNDREDS of bonus episodes at

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