Messages From The Dead

From the moment his deceased grandfather came to him late in the night with messages from the dead to tell him he loved him and to be a good boy, Dennis Estlock realized there is something more to this existence than just the living. Dennis would soon discover he had a gift to not communicate and sense the spirts of those who have passed on. A gift that his deceased grandmother would caution him to “guard” through his life. What is it like being able to sense and communicate with the dead? Is there a reason why some have this gift and others do not? Today we have a conversation with Dennis Estlock about his gift to converse with the dead.

PART 2 – AVAILABLE TO GRAVE KEEPERS ONLY – LISTEN HERE In part two of our interview, available only to Grave Keepers, we discuss:
  • Is the ability to give “readings” available to anyone Dennis encounters, or only certain people due to circumstances?
  • Can Dennis always tell when a spirit is communicating with you, or is it easy to confuse them for the living?
  • When was it that Dennis realized that he had the ability to sense the spirits around the living and give “readings”?
  • What was Dennis’ father’s feelings on getting a “goodbye” message on his computer before being aware of his sons passing?
  • Are individuals who believe in the paranormal in life more likely to come back to communicate in death versus those who do not believe in “ghosts”? As a Grave Keeper, for $5 per month you will get:
  • Access to every episode of our show, AD-FREE – MONTHS BEFORE THEY GO PUBLIC.
  • Access to every EXCLUSIVE PART 2 episode of our show for Grave Keeper Only!
  • Access to submit questions to upcoming guests of our show.
  • The “good feeling” knowing that you are keeping this show alive (It really does feel good!)
Listen to part two of this interview and get exclusive access to HUNDREDS of bonus episodes at

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