Haunted USS Hornet

Take the drive past Oakland or up to Bay Farm Island, and you will find yourself on Almeda Island. The island is home to several decommissioned US war vessels from a bygone era. Many of which now spend their days baking away in the hot California Sun slowly rising and falling in a sea of salt water. Not exactly the perfect environment for preservation. Nonetheless, the Haunted USS Hornet resides in these Waters, as does a live crew that works tirelessly to tell the story of an American legend and the crew who sailed her. That same crew, who to this day, although deceased may still be on board the haunted ship if the stories are real.

History of The Hornet

The story of the USS Hornet does not begin with ghosts. It had a long Rich history at sea playing pivotal roles in many battles and the US Air and Space Program. It’s now home to a museum that recounts it’s impressive history. Although she was attacked 59 times, the USS Hornet was never severely damaged. What an amazing feat for such a vessel. The ship itself is responsible for destroying more than 1,400 Japanese aircraft in World War II. While her crew remained relatively Unscathed, she indeed was surrounded by death and destruction. Her thousands of crew members witnessed the best and worst humanity has to offer.

Ghosts On Board

She sits in the dock as a relic of a time gone by. Saltwater slowly eats the paint off her hull as visitors walk through her halls trying to get a feel of what life was once like on board. Many of her visitors have been lucky enough to get more than a story or a picture. Several walk away having witnessed the spirit of one of the many brave men and women who once walked her deck, yet no longer walk the earth.


Site Links: USS Hor net Website

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