The Haunted House of Wills

Sometimes a building just speaks to you. Something about it comes alive and reaches out to grab your imagination and focus. For me, the haunted House of Wills is one of those places. The haunting images of its decaying insides line many websites of both paranormal investigators and urban explorers. For many years it was left to rot, in this time many investigators and adventure seekers discovered something not so welcoming behind its doors.

With a storied history that leads back to the turn of the century, what is now known as the Haunted House of Wills was once a Greman social club, speakeasy, hospital and in its last incarnation for many years, a funeral home.  Rumors of murders, mafia involvement and unsavory business practices plagued many of owners while it was in operation.

The interior architecture of the Haunted House of Wills is something straight out of a 1980’s horror movie. To me, it feels like an uncomfortable mix of mid-century modern with a touch of Roman imperialism, a dash of Victorian detail and a hint of an Egyptian pyramid. Mix in water damage, decay and vandalism and you have the perfect setting for a haunting.

Who or What Haunts The House of Wills? Part 2 – Grave Keeper EXCLUSIVE – Listen Here.

It’s easy to assume that something demonic haunts the House of Wills. Many of the stories that come from paranormal investigators point to an oppressive feeling that insight fears in them. Enough to make many never want to return. Others will tell you that it may simply be unhappy souls, looking to opresses the living in death, just as the did in life. Either way, it makes for an uncomfortable haunted situation. In part two of our interview with Daryl Marston, we discuss what kinds of activity may be going on in the House of Wills today. We also discuss who some of the spirits are and if they choose to be at the House of Wills. In addition, we’ll learn about the rooms that no one wants to be in alone, and the dark reasons why.

To listen to part 2 of our interview, become a “Grave Keeper” at Your support gets you ADVANCE ACCESS TO EVERY EPISODE, months before they go public. As well as access to exclusive PART 2’s of all of our episodes.

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