Haunted Hill View Manor.

Originally known as the Lawrence County Home for the Aged, or “poor house” of the era, the history at Hill View Manor is raw and living. What is now known at the Haunted Hill View Manor, the residents of the past seem to still be roaming its halls.

Who Lived At Haunted Hill View Manor?

The property was a dumping ground in the first part of the 1900’s for what our unenlightened society viewed as its outcasts. By today’s standards, a practice completely unacceptable and inhumane. Everyone from criminals orphaned children to windows to the mentally ill lived together at the Hill View Manor. Many would find their final resting place on the grounds of Hill View. Many of the deaths being of questionable cause. It only makes sense that a facility once packed with distressed and abandoned living souls, that its walls still echo that torment.

A transition for The Hill View

In 1974, the Haunted Hill View Manor transitioned into a nursing care facility. In 2004, it finally closed its doors because of financial difficulties. It has since sat vacant of tenants until paranormal investigators were able to convince its currents owners to open its doors for research and investigation into the accounts of ghostly activity in and around the ominous building.

Ghosts Now Reside at The Hill View Manor

On today’s episode of The Grave Talks, we talk with Rachelle Rozzo and Jim Backus, the foremost investigators of the Haunted Hill View Manor. We hear the story of its ghosts, spirits and what they why they choose to haunt the Hill View. Were these spirits once residents of the historic building, or have they arrived to the party after the living left? We will also examine what the future may hold for the Hill View Manor as time continue to move forward.


Episode Links: Hill View

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