Haunted Antiques Are Everywhere.

Look around you. The vintage item movement is big business. Not just reproduction items either, legitimate items: heirlooms, furniture, jewelry, clothing, you name it. If it once belonged to the living and is still in relatively useable shape, someone is going to try and sell it. This is the business of selling dead peoples things. And if you look at it closely, you may discover some of these things are in fact haunted. Haunted antiques that have a life and personality of their own.

The Devil Is In the Details.

How haunted are these items? That very much depends on what it is we are talking about and what the haunted antique was used for. When one owns a haunted antique, does the former owner come with it? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. According to author Duane Scott Cerny who we talked to about this topic, it seems haunted antiques are more a vehicle for repeated energy than they are for a conscious energy or soul. This means that a specific event or action may be repeated visually or audibly around the object in question. It seems to be very rare that great aunt Edna will break free from her broach collection to share insight on a better way to make her prized casserole recipe. You are much more likely to be plagued by the scent her tuna casserole than you are too by her uncharming personality.

Are Haunted Antiques Safe?

That all depends on how comfortable you are with unexplained activity occurring around you and your loved ones.  When it comes to the paranormal, it seems anything is possible. The real question is, do you like ghosts? Are you ok with an activity of an unknown source in your home? If you answered yes, then acquiring a collection of these objects may be right up your alley. If not, then you may want to stick with the reproduction variety of vintage decor.

Episode Links: Selling Dead Peoples Things

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