Followed By Demons

followed by demons

Soula Vaitsis has been followed by demons all her life.

It was a cool and windy day when Soula Vaitsis was a young girl swinging in the park with a friend. Hardly a time one would suspect to be a defining moment in life. However, the girls began to feel their hair being pulled. Confused and angry, the girls jumped from the swings and spun around, to identify the perpetrator of the hair-pulling. When they witnessed a glowing woman in white, with dark protruding holes for eyes hovering feet above swings, the girls were terrified. This would be the first of many encounters with frightening spirits for Soula Vaitsis. Today on the grave talks, we hear the story of life followed by demons and dark energy from Soula Vaitsis.

PART 2 – AVAILABLE TO GRAVE KEEPERS ONLY – LISTEN HERE In part two of our interview, available only to Grave Keepers, we discuss:
  • How did Soula identify the mysterious floating woman in the park as an attachment later in life?


  • What sort of revenge was the ghost woman in the park seeking?


  • When someone has an attachment that is positive, is it ok to allow them to stay close, or are they there seeking help to move on?


  • Why are some spirits able to move on to another realm or life form, and others linger?


  • Why do some spirits have a very menacing look when they mean to be helpful?


  • Is there ever a truly safe way to use an Ouija Board?

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  • Access to every episode of our show, AD-FREE – MONTHS BEFORE THEY GO PUBLIC.
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Listen to part two of this interview and get exclusive access to HUNDREDS of bonus episodes at

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