Podcast Episodes

Haunted St. Albans Sanatorium

Darkness Has A Home At St. Albans Sanatorium. There’s never any guarantee that you’re going to “find” anything on a ghost hunt. Investigators often scoff at televised ghost shows and their enormous amount of evidence conveniently found just in time for the cameras. If you ever decide to enter haunted St. Albans Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Haunted House Of Wills

The Haunted House of Wills Sometimes a building just speaks to you. Something about it comes alive and reaches out to grab your imagination and focus. For me, the haunted House of Wills is one of those places. The haunting images of its decaying insides line many websites of both Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Return to Bothell

Return to BotHell In the previous episode of The Grave Talk, we talked with Keith Linder about the haunting of his home. We discussed the chaos it caused in his personal life and the mental strain it took on him and his girlfriend. His story was featured on an episode Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

The Bothell Hell House

Darkness Lives in The Bothell Hell House. I’ve talked to countless individuals, families, and investigators about their haunting encounters and quite honestly, the story of The Bothell Hell House is one of the most terrifying I’ve ever heard. I can’t recall a case where so many dark and seemingly demonic Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Western State Lunatic Asylum

Western State Lunatic Asylum & Its Spirits The Western State Lunatic Asylum has been the topic of paranormal rumors and legends for decades. What are the menacing forces that live behind its walls. For over one hundred and twenty years the Western Lunatic Asylum has been the site of medical experiments Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Haunted Summerwind Mansion

The Haunting of The Summerwind Mansion There mere mention of the name Summerwind Mansion is instantly connected to the word haunted when discussed in the state of Wisconsin. The haunted Summerwind Mansion has a story spanning more than a century. Its story runs deep through many families, rumors of insanity, demonic Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Haunted Antiques

Haunted Antiques Are Everywhere. Look around you. The vintage item movement is big business. Not just reproduction items either, legitimate items: heirlooms, furniture, jewelry, clothing, you name it. If it once belonged to the living and is still in relatively useable shape, someone is going to try and sell it. This is Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Haunted USS Hornet

Haunted USS Hornet Take the drive past Oakland or up to Bay Farm Island, and you will find yourself on Almeda Island. The island is home to several decommissioned US war vessels from a bygone era. Many of which now spend their days baking away in the hot California Sun Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Haunted Hales Bar Dam

Haunted Hales Bar Dam & Its Stories If you ever find yourself along the riverbanks of Marion County, Tennesee you are likely to see the structure we’re focusing on today, the Haunted Hales Bar Dam. It’s a giant concrete and limestone structure that once housed the controls to a massive Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago
Podcast Episodes

Rolling Hills Asylum

Rolling Hills Asylum is Haunted. Originally referred to as a “poorhouse” the Rolling Hills Asylum was home to many.  There was little discussion of who would be housed at Rolling Hills. The buildings and grounds would end up being homes for orphaned children, families, destitute elderly, physically handicapped, mentally unstable, morally Read more…

By Tony Brueski, ago