A Better Understanding | A Conversation With James Koppert

As children, many of us have imaginary friends. Friends that we can’t see, but we pretend to be there. What happens when a child is, in fact seeing these “friends,” learning their names, likes, interests, and history – only for these facts to match up with a real-life child who passed on many years before. James Koppert is a man who had very “real” imaginary friends. This would lead to an upbringing where he would meet other spirits who would be anything but “friends.” Leading others to believe his family was cursed and heartbreak beyond belief.

PART 2 – AVAILABLE TO GRAVE KEEPERS ONLY – LISTEN HERE In part two of our interview, available only to Grave Keepers, we discuss:
  • What was James’ childhood like day-to-day in that house, and how did it feel when he finally left? 
  • Did paranormal things follow James out of his house when he would go to play a friend’s homes? 
  • What does James view as a link between the paranormal and non-neurotypical people? 
  • What happened when James returned to this haunted house as an adult with his son. 
  • Does James feel any fear or hesitation about returning to investigate this house? As a Grave Keeper, for $5 per month you will get:
  • Access to every episode of our show, AD-FREE – MONTHS BEFORE THEY GO PUBLIC.
  • Access to every EXCLUSIVE PART 2 episode of our show for Grave Keeper Only!
  • Access to submit questions to upcoming guests of our show.
  • The “good feeling” knowing that you are keeping this show alive (It really does feel good!)
Listen to part two of this interview and get exclusive access to HUNDREDS of bonus episodes at http://www.patreon.com/thegravetalks


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